Shadows of Alchemic Guilt is a turn-based tactics about alchemists facing guilt from their failed and/or immoral experiments. Proceed through multiple levels of combat against specters of their guilt.

Brew potions in combat to help your party or hinder your foes. Your potion flasks have a variety of modifiable attributes, and potions brewed can carry a variety of effects. Utilize the ingredients you have to defeat all enemies and reach the end. Some ingredients synergize with each other for even more powerful brews.

Gameplay Information

-= Alchemy & Actions =-
Ingredients have a point cost & Action Point (AP) cost associated with them. Points restrict how many ingredients you can stuff into a potion, while AP restricts how much you can do in one turn. The number of potion flasks any character carries determines how many potions you can work on simultaneously.

Turns are determined by a timeline. More speed lets you take turns more often.

-= Basic Controls =-
Camera controlled via WASD
End your turn with Enter or the End Turn button in the bottom right.
Everything else relies on clicking the UI.
Almost all of the UI lets you hover over it for additional information.

-= Mouse Controls (Combat) =-
Click the grid to move or throw a potion at that tile. Target tile must be in range (indicated by colored squares).
To brew potions, click a flask, then an ingredient to add that ingredient. Click the flask again to deselect it when you are done brewing (and do not wish to use your potion yet).
  Loading a potion into a weapon works similarly.

-= Mouse Controls (Ingredient Acquisition) =-
At any time, you view what ingredients your party has by clicking the "Inventory" button.

First Screen (Ingredient Selections):
Click on the ingredients in each group to select them for acquisition.
An ingredient from every group must be selected to proceed.

Second Screen (Ingredient Distribution):
Click on an ingredient, then the character you want to give them to.
Some ingredients will be given to all characters.
All ingredients must be assigned to proceed.

-= Additional Gameplay Information =-
Once a potion is used, it can not be used again or have ingredients added for the rest of the turn.
Loading a weapon empties the flask, but does not prevent you from reusing it.

Initially created for submission to PirateSoftware Game Jam #15.

Version Release #2

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